Arthritis is one common joint disease which results in inflammation, swelling and pain in knee joints there are more than 100 types of arthritis which affects all ages of people, but chances of getting arthritis is higher in elderly people; arthritis disease is most common amongst women than men. Arthritis symptoms may take years to develop which starts from joint pain and stiffness. These symptoms may come and go or stay same throughout the years, in some cases the symptoms of arthritis progress and get worse with time which makes it very difficult to perform daily tasks like walking or climbing the stairs, According to best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR that arthritis symptoms, and their affects differs from person to person when one not get timely treatment of arthritis it may result in disability. Arthritis can cause some permanent damage to knee joints which is not reversible, some arthritis also affects our heart, lungs, kidney and skin. Types of Arthritis Two of the most common kind of arthritis are mentioned below:

Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is one of the most common kind of arthritis, it’s involves the damage of joints cartilage, when there is enough damage to the cartilage it results in pain and restricted movement of the joint. This damage to the cartilage may takes years or result of joint injury or infections, In early stages of osteoarthritis there no visible pain, but there can be damage in inside of joints, over the time osteoarthritis causes deterioration in connectivity tissues which hold the muscles and joint together, this arthritis mostly affects knee, hip and hands joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Its one the inflammatory joint disorder which affects more than one joint, it’s one of the autoimmune disorder which means when our immune system attacks health body tissues rheumatoid arthritis affects the lining of our joints which cause painful swelling in joints. This disorder affects other body parts also like skin, heart or lungs because of inflammation associated with it, severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis results in disabilities.

Symptoms of arthritis:

Joint pain and stiffness is one early symptom of arthritis
Soreness or tenderness around the affected area
Decrease in range of motion of affected joint
Redness on the skin around the affected joint
Loss of appetite in case rheumatoid arthritis.

Diagnose and Treatment:

Your primary care doctor may refer you to best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR after evaluating your symptoms, when you consult with orthopaedic doctor for the treatment of arthritis he will perform some physical tests first to check the redness and tenderness around the joints, for further examination your doctor will suggest some tests like X-rays, MRI, and CT Scan for rule out any other cause of the symptoms you are having.

If you are having any severe symptom of arthritis than you get immediate treatment from best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR Dr. Atul Mishra

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